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Avonside Girls' High School

Group of recipients at the Academic Colours Assembly by AGHS

Academic Assembly

Melanie McRandle - November 14, 2022

Whāia te iti kahurangi, ki te tuohu koe, me he maunga teitei - Seek the treasure that you value most dearly, if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain.

Earlier in the year we held our Academic Assembly. For our senior students, this was an opportunity to be congratulated for their NCEA academic achievements of 2021. Merit certificates and Excellence badges were presented to students who achieved either 50 Merit or Excellence credits in 2021 at Level 1 or Level 2. Honours awards were also awarded to the very top academically performing students of 2021. We also congratulated our students who were awarded Scholarship's last year and we were pleased to welcome back three of these students to our assembly.

The Whakatauki above was referred to by our Tumuaki in her speech to students. It speaks of perseverance and grit and of overcoming one’s own maunga, or challenges. Our students continue to navigate this as they work through the challenges of a global pandemic.

Congratulations to all students involved with our Academic Assembly. Thank you to all the families and teachers who supported these students along the way. 

As part of our Academic Assembly, we congratulated 3 of our students who won Scholarships last year. We were fortunate that three of them could attend our assembly.

Cyryll Kabigting won a Scholarship in Photography. Her work was being displayed as part of the NZQA Top Art Exhibition for 2022 and can be seen here Her work is called Korean Drama Addiction.

Emily McGifford won two Scholarships in Chemistry and Physics. She is currently studying 1st year Engineering at University of Canterbury

Mia O’Malley won a Scholarship in Photography. Mia’s work is about special hand me downs from her mother and her grandmother. Mia is studying Photography at ARA this year.

Sahara Sagisaka won a Scholarship in Japanese. Sahara has returned home to Japan and started study in Holland this September.

Congratulations to these students. We wish them all the best for their future studies.