AGHS — Jun 24, 2020

The busy-ness of being back to school and work has no doubt kept people on their toes.

In a book by Professor Matthew Lieberman the prospect of busyness is discussed as giving an individual the sense of connection and value within society. This holds some truths, but at times we can become consumed with this ‘busyness’ to the detriment of our wellbeing. Having a sense of purpose, feels productive, energises us and leaves us feeling connected. When we start to feel overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, and/ or less connected with others it is time to put to emphasis on the importance of taking care of ourselves, in order to function well. As we wind down for the Term, it is a good idea to use the holiday to reflect on how we look after ourselves and what practices to put into place for best approach to Term 3.

Below are some tips that highlight small steps towards coping with busyness. At the core of this attending to physiological needs. Planning out your day and the inclusion of strategies to maintain wellbeing will support management of busyness of life.