AGHS — Mar 17, 2022

In term 2 our students have a number of celebratory weeks to look forward to.  During each of these weeks activities and events will be held that students can get involved with.

Week 3 (16-20 May) is Wellbeing week
Week 5 (30 May -3 June) is Tech week
Week 6 (7-10 June) is Pride week
Week 7 (13-17 June) is Sports week
Week 8 (20-23 June) is Matariki week
Week 9 (27 June-1 July) is International Languages week

Dates for Term 2:

Monday 2 May - first day of term 2
Thursday 12 May - MOE Accord day (Staff only day)
Monday 6 June - Queen's Birthday
Friday 24 June - Matariki
Friday 8 July - last day of term 2.

Monday 25 July - start of term 3.