Snapshot of the week ahead - T4 Week 6, 13th - 19th November
Week 6 events outlined below. For further details and the weeks ahead, please see the KAMAR Events Calendar. NZQA exams continue this week.
Monday 13th November:
Staff briefing before school in the staff room - 8.15-8.30am
Y9 Ropes Activity Day - 9GO and 9SP
SLT meeting during period 2 - 9.30-10.30am
ELA meetings after school - 3-4.15pm
Tuesday 14th November:
Kaitiaki/Pouako meetings before school - 8.15-8.30am
Y9 Ropes Activity Day - 9ID and 9TA
9DIT Trip to Library
Behaviour Team meeting after school - 3-4.15pm
Y8 Māori Student Welcome Event - 5.30-7.30pm
Wednesday 15th November:
Staff briefing before school in the staff room - 8.15-8.30am
Te Ara Tika Transition event runs all day
Y9 Ropes Activity Day - 9SF and 9TM
Kapa Haka during period 2 - 9.30-10.30am
SLT meeting during P5 and after school - 1.30pm onwards
Pasifika Y8 Transition Event - 5.30-7.30pm
Thursday 16th November:
MOE Accord Day
Friday 17th November:
School closed - Canterbury Anniversary Day