Hero photograph
Photo by AGHS

Board Report

Paula Rigby and Linda Glasgow —

As we reflect on the year that was, we see the winds of change have blown across our horizon bringing a new and exciting way forward. We the Board, staff and students alike have navigated these new waters and embraced the tide.

Under the guidance of the new Tumuaki (Principal) Catherine Law the school has been guided and directed through educational change and the consideration of Mātauranga Māori, and Te Tiriti o Waitangi within the school curriculum and the business of the way the school conducts itself. These changes are always challenging however they will have a positive effect for all students “ahakoa no hea, ahakoa ko wai” (no matter where they are from, or who they are).

Some of these changes have resulted in the creation of community connecter nights where staff and students are able to come into the school and meet and speak to the principal, and Board members in an informal setting. At these events we are available to meet and greet and it is a great way to get to know what the Board is thinking, and for parents and students to have their say on any concerns or issues.

We have come through an election year with a new Board in place who are settling in. They bring an amazing amount of talent and skill, although having only had a few meetings since being formed, they are already looking at ways that the Board can work smarter.

The Board have decided to work across areas of their expertise, which has meant a change of face at the various committees dedicated to ensuring the school runs to the best of its ability. This includes facilities, finance, and Kahui ako stewardship. It is the intention of the Board to share responsibility across all members. With this in mind, we have been working towards creating relationships with our location partners Shirley Boys. “Ko to rourou ko tāku rourou kia ora ai te iwi”. With your food basket and my food basket we will all prosper.

We would like to acknowledge the previous board for their hard work and diligence. They worked through a worldwide pandemic and the implications of that on the school, the retirement of Sue Hume and filling that important position in the school. Their hard work has not gone unnoticed.

One of the key factors of concern through all the disruption of the past few years has been to make the wellbeing of students a top priority. The school has been looking at innovative ways to care for the wellbeing of our students, and the Board is fully supportive of making sure that when your young people enter their school, they feel safe and invited.

Finally, we must acknowledge the courage of our students as they initiated and led the sexual harassment survey. Taking part in a survey such as this is never easy and sharing their experiences of sexual harassment was brave and to be commended. Thank you also to the staff and experts that wrapped around these young people to provide support.

As our Seniors leave to pursue new horizons “Kia Hora te marino, kia whakapapa pounamu te moana, kia tere te karohirohi i mua i tō huarahi. May the peace be widespread, may the sea glisten like greenstone, and may the shimmer of light guide you on your way”.

Paula Rigby and Linda Glasgow

Co-Chairs Te Kura Kohine O Otakaro (Avonside Gils’ High School)