Hero photograph
Photo by Avonside Girls' High

Japanese Immersion Day at UC2023

Avonside Girls School —

On 7 June students from senior Japanese classes went to the University of Canterbury for a Japanese Language Immersion Day.

This day was organised by the Japanese teachers of Christchurch and the University staff. The aim was to provide workshops focussed on NCEA objectives while giving our students an opportunity to meet each other and learn together. Everyone was divided into groups and took part in three language workshops which were facilitated by Christchurch Japanese teachers.

The keynote speaker was Mr Sam Stapley who is co-founder and director of Mayfair Luxury Hotels which owns and operates the Mayfair Hotel in Christchurch. He has spent many years working in business in Japan.

The Japanese drum group, ‘Takumi’, (including our very own Sarasa Suzuki and Maria Stewart) entertained us with a captivating performance and the day culminated with 500 students joining together to enjoy singing and dancing as a whole group to the popular song Mela.

Click here to watch the video.

It was an educational and fun day and we are looking forward to going again next year! 

