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Avonside Girls' High School

by Ginni Orr

Tech Council

Ginni Orr - August 15, 2022

Wow, what an amazing and successful year the Technology Council has had in 2022! Celebrating hard and soft materials, hospitality, DVC and digital technology within the school, our range was wide.

A large number of students wanted to be a part of the council with lots of incredible ideas to include in the months ahead. This all started when the Year 9's entered the school and the Tech Council ran a computer-based scavenger hunt as part of the digital orientation. Students worked their way through Teams, Word and PowerPoint to find clues and solve a riddle all whilst becoming familiar with the programmes.

As we began the school year meetings became slightly challenging. With seniors and juniors not always at school at the same time, we became very familiar with Teams video meetings with people joining in and collaborating from home. This led us to create the Tech Council Instagram page as a generational and Covid friendly way to share what the council were up to and future activities we were running around the school.

Image by: Ginni Orr

The first of these activities was a stop motion competition, which saw people make their own stop motion movies including Lego, stick men and even a Pacman replica. All of the entries to the competition were amazing and very well put together. Other activities we had in Tech Week during Term Two, saw lunchtimes filled with tech related activities such as the Minecraft structure building competition in which we saw some amazing Minecraft creations being made by the students and the snake competition in which students attempted the snake game to see whose skills were the best. Overall Tech Week was a very cool week with lots of fun activities being run!

Another activity we did later in the year for Gala Day, the council put together a giant Jenga building competition where three teams battled with giant building blocks to see who could make the tallest tower with the blocks provided.

Image by: Ginni Orr

The last thing the Tech Council was doing throughout the year was sound and lighting, with the newly formed Sound and Lighting Tech Group. We had a range of juniors learning how to use the impressive equipment available at the school through assemblies, senior productions and the Lip-sync event at the end of Term 3. The group put together some really amazing colourful lighting shows, and are becoming great experts at knowing how to use the gear to our advantage to make better shows, and events within the school theatres.

Lastly as the Head of the Tech Council I would like to thank my Deputies, Tomasina and Phoebe. Your support through the year has been tremendous. Also, a big thanks to all of the amazing people that were a part of the council this year. Your enthusiasm, knowledge and ideas really helped to form this growing council at Avonside, and to our teacher in charge Ms Orr for helping the council to achieve our goals and overseeing our council for the year. It was a delightful year to be apart of and we wish all the best for the council in the future.

Ginni Orr

TIC Tech Council