Hero photograph
Photo by Tanya Clegg


Tanya Clegg —

Attendance affects achievement and it may be more significantly than you think.

Last year the Ministry of Education released a new Attendance Strategy for all schools and within these, new Attendance expectations.

Research clearly shows the link between attendance and achievement. There is a direct link that if students have attendance below 90-95% (1 day off a fortnight), their chances of gaining the NCEA level they are working towards are significantly weakened. 

National statistics show that of Year 10s who attend kura only 85% of the time only half go on to achieve NCEA Level 3. 

This new strategy outlines some new attendance categories for schools and attendance targe

They are:

All students should maintain attendance rates of 90% or better for the full school academic year. 

Below is the new classifications for all students in NZ.

  1. Attending Regularly (Attending more than 90%, an average of 9 days a fortnight)

  2. Moderately Absent (Attending more than 70% up to 80% - missing 2-3 days a fortnight)

  3. Chronically Absent (Attending 70% or less – missing 3+ days a fortnight)

Did you know?

Missing 1 day a fortnight (90%) equates to 4 weeks in of school missed in a school year. This adds up to a whole year of education missed from Year 4 - Year 13.

Did you know?

Missing 2-3 day a fortnight (70-80%), or 1 or more days per week equates to 8-10 weeks of school missed in a school year. This adds up to a 2.5+ years of education missed over their school life.

Absences - Any absence from school must be phoned into the school office. This must have a clear reason for absence, not just 'Won't be at school'. ences that are occuring are Explained and Unjustified.We are required by MOE to code all absences very strictly.

Late to school and class - Students are required to be in class, and ready to learn when the bell rings for the start of each period. Lateness has a significant impact on learning and impacts on the ability of a teacher to run a successful lesson. Students who are late are required to sign in at Student Services. If they are late by half a period or more, their attendance for the class will remain marked as a unjustified absence. 

If you need support in getting your young person to attend school, or just wish to have a chat about their attendance please contact their Pouako (form teacher) or Kaitiaki (dean).