Digital Technology
Ginni Orr - October 27, 2022
Year 9 students learnt programming skills using block coding with either Scratch or Spheros.
They were able to get super creative with Ink Scape and work with a client to design and develop them a cool bookmark, nametag or intro card. They also completed a big project where awesome solutions were created for issues teenagers face such as education about racism, dealing with anxiety, tips and activities for enhancing well-being, an app for decreasing food waste, AvonEats and Anonymous Tutor, a website with the ability to anonymously ask for help with different subjects.
All the Year 9 classes went on a trip across town to Te Hāpua: Halswell Centre to create laptop decals. There were some very excited and satisfied young people with all sorts of creative designs.
The Year 10 students started with learning about app and website interfaces and designed a gamified well-being survey for the Ministry or Education! That’s our students solving and enhancing experiences for young people across the motu which was very cool!
Lots was learnt about working collaboratively to achieve a big outcome. They then went onto learning Python a text-based programming language and some website design. Bree Fick of Stratos Technology visited and talked about her journey into Tech and the Gig Economy and how our young people can be a part of it!
Students also had a trip to South library where they designed and printed their own tee-shirt designs using the new DTG (direct to garment) printer!
The students got very creative drawing and then digitally-drawing their own designs that then got printed onto tee-shirts.
A small but intrepid group of senior students decided to embark on studies at senior NCEA level. While Covid certainly had its impact, with grit, determination, and curiosity they completed some amazing pieces of work. The Year 11’s designed a game to educate young people about a United Nations sustainability goal while playing as a superhero.
They then created a website to pitch their idea to potential game developers. The games were awesome and the websites were stunning!
The Year 12’s inquired into a United Nations sustainability goal with the aim to develop a digital outcome to educate people about it and to take action at a local level.
Websites on gender equity, zero hunger and educating the older generation about online extremism were designed and created. An amazing amount of thinking and learning occurred as these students picked up Digital Technology for the first time and completed some great learning, design and development.
Both these year groups visited ARA a couple of times to experience a learning intensive on web design and databases. The highlight was a visit to South library to create 3D miniature models and learn about potential careers in the 3D modelling space.