Film and Media Studies Department Review
Mr Rob Lay - November 13, 2022
I was again impressed with the quality and range of film products created by media students this year from short trailer films (Year 11) to short documentaries (Year 13). I thank the students for the time and effort they put into completing their short films this year. Freya Carson and Georgia Rainbow (Year 13) were awarded the Year 13 Helen Brew Cup for her short documentary film - ‘Eco Action – Saving our City’’, about a the Eco-Action Nursery Trust that focuses on using local school students and community groups to help restore natural habitats in many of Christchurch’s eastern wetlands. I also congratulate Mia Edkins and K’Lee Kamara (Year 11) for winning the Helen Brew Cup (Best Narrative Short Film) for their original film trailer – “Thank You for your Donation‘’.
The Media Department also congratulates Eva Rose and Stella Nixon (Year 13 in 2021) for winning the 2022 Ara-Te Pukenga New Zealand Broadcasting School (NZBS) School Shorts Screen Competition with their mature and sensitive handling of hardship in their documentary – Kairos Free Store. They beat out 42 other high school entries. One of the judges (film academic and arts critic Dr Erin Harrington) described Eva’s and Stella’s film as “an impressive piece of work”. She went on to say: “It has a story and characters that you care about, and a clear point of view. You can see the rapport the filmmakers had built with their subjects, and the work they put into crafting the final film from raw footage in the edit.” NZBS Screen Production Tutor Masen Ma also said of the documentary: “It’s not easy to get people to share such stories, so we commend Eva and Stella on providing us with this privileged access and insight into everyday hardship and the efforts to alleviate it.”
Once again, I thank all the 2022 media students for their perseverance in coping with another round of Covid interruptions earlier this year and congratulate them for their successes in their media productions. I wish all the departing Year 13 media students success in their NCEA examinations and their future endeavours.
Mr Rob Lay
TIC Film & Media Studies