Kura ki Pukihi / Inventionator
Ginni Orr - November 30, 2022
Claudia squared - Claudia Henderson and Claudia Wilson (Year 11) created a prototype pathway game for young people experiencing mental health challenges so that players could explore pathways and move from darkness to light and also find community through eSports.
WI Tech - Fiona Ariyarudeekul and Milly Carsen (Year 11) teamed up to create a solution to get more girls and young women into digital technology as a career. Their approach included mentors and creating a game and gaming device to learn different aspects of digital technology in a fun way.
GreenCol - Martina van Zijl and Libby Greaves (Year 12) created a multi-pronged solution for people experiencing Irritable Bowel Syndrome so they and medical professionals could monitor their symptoms. They designed a website, a digital tool suitable for people with diverse needs who could not use a computer and a booklet. Amidst all of this, they branded themselves with a company name, logo, colour scheme and did a pitch that WOW'ed the industry rep who wants them to present to a panel of doctors and specialists!!
Kura ki Pukihi Celebration
Our students who participated in the Inventionator sprints creating digital solutions for real world problems we’re invited to the Christchurch City Council Wednesday 11 May. Here they were welcomed by Councillor Anna Galloway who chairs Te Pae Pīkari, the Youth Advisory committee. Our students delivered their fantastic pitches once again, this time to a room full of adults including whanau members who could see what they had created.