AGHS — Feb 4, 2023



Takes place at Avonside Girls’ High School. Term 1 offers coaching and fun shooting where students can learn and compete in indoor archery. Sessions run at lunchtimes on Thursdays. Or whenever the outside provider sets the days. This is run by an outside provider. This is dependent on numbers.


Takes place at Hagley Park, Hospital Corner or at various school venues around Christchurch on Wednesday afternoons. Super 8 (8 a side), or 11 a side teams available depending on numbers. Each innings consists of a maximum of 20 overs – finishing time varies!


Takes place at either Cuthbert’s Green Ball Park, Pages Road or at various school venues. Games commence at 3pm over 7 innings, or one hour. Dependent on numbers and coach being available.

Indoor Netball 

Takes place on Wednesday afternoons, mainly at Action Indoor Sports or Sporting Edge, but is occasionally elsewhere. Each game is thirty minutes long.

Futsal Indoor Soccer

Takes place at various school gymnasiums on Wednesday afternoons. Games are duration of thirty minutes. This is dependent on numbers. Tournament is also separate cost.


Takes place Wednesday afternoons at Wilding Park or school venues around Christchurch. Finish times are hard to predict, depending on length of games, singles and doubles played. Each player must be a competitive player. The Secondary Schools Competition is run and students that play competitions are eligible for this.


Takes place on Monday afternoons at various times and in various locations. Games are at the most 60 minutes duration. Students need to arrange their own transport to and from venues. The top senior and junior teams take part in Canterbury and South Island school tournaments.


Certain Canterbury Events held throughout the year. Students are offered these events as they occur. All events but individual entries need to be paid separately. Uniform hire is paid if competing plus the completion entry fees.


Held all year round in the gym after school. All gear is provided. Competitions are held and students are entered if available. This is run by an outside provider.


Canterbury Secondary School events are held in Dressage, a one-day event and Show Jumping. All students must have their own horse and it must be qualified in the correct level for competing. Please see sports office if interested.


Rowing runs over Term 1 and 4, the season starting in Term 4 through to Term 1. Winter training is also available for the squad.


At school gymnasium, Thursday afternoon 3-5pm.

Disability Sports

Special Olympic Events are available 

Croquet and Bowls 

Dependent on numbers. Please see sports office. 

Inter-school Athletics 

Canterbury Secondary Schools Preliminaries and Finals are held in Christchurch. The students are selected according to their results at the School Championships. South Island and Nationals teams are then selected through this. Individual entry costs and then travel and accommodation to further events.

Inter-school Swimming 

Canterbury Secondary Schools Prelims and Finals are held in Christchurch. The students are selected according to their results at the School Championships. South Island and Nationals teams are then selected through this. Individual entry costs and then travel and accommodation to further events.


Dependent on numbers. Under parental supervision but can compete for the school in Inter-school competitions. This is an individual entry

Fitness Room 

The fitness room is available for Year 11, 12 and 13 students plus sports teams under coach/teacher/qualified trainer supervision.


Played on a Wednesday afternoon after school.


Played on Wednesday nights at Jellie Park.


Run by Mixx, games take place at SBHS/AGHS or YMCA Bishopdale on Friday afternoons during Term 1 and Term 4.