Fia Fia night
We held our Fia Fia night on Tuesday 3 November in which we celebrated our Pasifika students’ 2020 successes and farewelled our Year 13 graduates with over 200 staff, family and friends.
The evening opened with prayer and Luseta Filiai, our Head of Pasifika in 2020, was MC for the night and began by reflecting on the year and the work achieved by the Pasifika Council. This was followed by a heartfelt reflection from one of our Year 9 students, Rosa Gibb-Faumuina on her first year at Avonside.
Our guest speaker for the evening, Stacey Lene, gave an inspiring talk to our young women and her spoken word performance was outstanding. We then held our awards and graduation ceremony before breaking for kai.
After our meal, we went back into the theatre for memorable performances by the year level groups. The final performances of the evening were Victoria Tafua-Sa and Luseta Filiai, who danced impressive solo performances.
It was a fabulous evening and a wonderful send off for our ten Year 13 graduates. We wish them well in 2021 and beyond.