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Avonside Girls' High School

by Liz McDowell

Snapshot of the week ahead - Wk 3, Tue 24th - Sun 29th October

Liz McDowell - October 19, 2023

Here is a brief outline of the events and activities in the coming week. KAMAR Events Planner has more details if needed.

Monday 23rd October - LABOUR DAY, school closed

Tuesday 24th October:

Kaitiaki/Pouako meetings before school - 8.15-8.30am 

Whole school Assembly during period 4 in both theatres, unlikely to take the whole period - 12.05 - 1.05pm 

Year 8 Interviews after school with staff who have volunteered. Dinner is provided - 3.30-7.30pm 

Wednesday 25th October: 

Staff briefing before school in the staff room - 8.15-8.30am 

Kapa Haka during period 2 - 9.30 - 10.30am 

SLT Meeting during period 5 - 1.30-2.30pm 

Year 8 Interviews after school with staff who have volunteered. Dinner is provided - 3.30-7.30pm

Thursday 26th October: 

 Ki o Rahi Break up happens today

Y9 Class meetings before school today - 8.15-8.45am 

PHY333 Field trip in their class time 

Kaitiaki Team meeting after school - 3.15 - 4.15pm 

Health and Safety Meeting after school 

Friday 27th October:

Last day of senior timetable

Y13 Breakfast before school in the cafeteria - 7.30 - 8.15ish am 

Y11-13 Prizegiving info assembly in the large Theatre during period 1 - 8.30-9.30am 

L3 NCEA Assembly during period 2. Y13 students released after this - 9.30-10.30am 

L2 NCEA Assembly during period 3. Y12 students released after this - 10.50-11.50am 

WHAI mentoring during period 3 - 10.50-11.50am 

L1 NCEA Assembly during period 4. Y11 students released after this - 11.50am - 12.50pm

Saturday 28th - Monday 30th October: 

D of E Tramp