Nikita Maulgue (Yr 12) and Georgia Stewart (Yr 13) represented out school extraordinarily well at the VEX Robotics Nationals over the weekend.
They played 11 rounds in the qualifications against 76 high school teams from all over the country, many of them with far more experiences than we. In the end they were placed 47th out of 76.
Nikita and Georgia had to submit their Engineering Notebook to judges from Industry. They were then interviewed by these judges about their process for 20mins.
They also had to complete a skills task for points. All this, in addition to managing and troubleshooting problems with their own robot.
They had to negotiate with their alliance partners and not have meltdowns when programmes failed or other robots damaged our robot in the scrimmage.
All in all, the girls had a fantastic weekend, sharing accommodation with students and teachers from St Andrews and Ao Tawihit! I am sure they will say they have learned a lot and are eager for the next game to be shared in early April!