by Susie Paton

Sports Notices

The main noticeboard is situated on the inside walls of the gymnasium block opposite the outside QE2 entrance.

All inter-school sports information is posted here. Make sure that you get in the habit of checking this board every day. Urgent information will also be posted here. 

Daily Sports Notices 

All information regarding sports meetings, coaches, practices and upcoming events is published in the daily notices. The notices are posted ion the school website daily and you are expected to read and react to information that concerns you. Often this is the only way you will find out about things happening at school. Please check yourself.

Sports Office 

The Sports Office is situated in the Gymnasium Block and the office is well signposted. It is at the main outside entrance to the Gymnasiums .The office is always open to students and parents for any information. Phone 389 7199 ext 743. Email