by Avonside Girls' High

Climate Change

Avonside Girls' HighSeptember 24, 2023

Should cities be required to plant trees to help combat climate change? Should countries only negotiate trade agreements with countries which have met their Paris Agreement climate goals?

These were the types of questions which 150 students from throughout New Zealand discussed under the theme The EU, Climate Change and the Green Transition. Sixteen of our students attended this year, representing the interests of the EU country which they had been assigned to. The two-day event, held at UC, was a mixture of keynote speeches, including one from the EU's ambassador to New Zealand, lively discussions, debates and socializing. Our students all represented their countries thoughtfully and professionally. Huge congratulations to Year 10 student Rosie Paul who won an award for being the best delegate in her committee. This comes with a scholarship to take a Europe and European Union Studies paper at UC. A truly impressive achievement!

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