Hero photograph
Photo by Terry Tarapi

Year 8 News

Terry Tarapi —

A very warm welcome to our Year 8 Whanau.

Kia Ora Parents and Caregivers

It is lovely being back at school. 

With our unusual break, it is like the beginning of the year again. Over the last 2 weeks, an important focus has been centered around our school value of kindness. Thinking about others with the aim of helping each other is an important lifelong skill we consistently value and promote.  Alongside this, all classes are working hard to reestablish both class routines and expectations.

Our integrated theme this term is called “Ka Mua, Ka Muri!’ This translates as looking back in order to move forward. The key question we will be discussing and investigating is “What have I learned from the world around me?” Classes are busy designing their project-based learning around this concept. Sharing covid19 lockdown experiences and learnings with whanau will be an important part of the journey this term.

Kind Regards

Year 8 Teachers