Hero photograph
Photo by Jane Hendry

Room 8 Statistical Investigation

Jane Hendry —

This term year 8 has had one driving question that has promoted thinking within their maths sessions. What factors impact our ability to shoot the ball accurately?

This term our maths programme has followed a statistical inquiry cycle. We have started with our problem, planned our investigation, collected data and then analysed our data in order to draw conclusions. 

What has made this cycle so engaging is that our data has been us. We started off shooting a basketball in various spots without any intervention or feedback. Once we had collected our baseline data we then collaborated P.E and maths to see  how coaching could influence the outcome of our investigation.  This included specific feedback on technique, and what attributes help us to shoot the ball accurately. Once we had done this we then recollected our data and were impressed by our results. 

One of the key skills we have focused on is our ability to use CODAP. An application that enables students to graph their data, and therefore anaylse and draw conclusions. Below we have attached some pictures of our mahi, including our graphs that demonstrate the shift due to improvement. 

It has been an epic start to our year and really sparked passion and interest in our students. 

Ngā mihi nui 

Jane Hendry