Hero photograph
Photo by Beth Downie

Year 7 news September 2017

Beth Downie —

It is hard to believe it is the end of another term! 

We have had an excellent 10 weeks with a focus on change and the challenges that are faced when change occurs.

We have all really enjoyed teaching the pubertal change unit and we feel the children handled this unit with maturity and respect and this is very pleasing to see. There has been a lot of growth in knowledge as well as emotional growth over the term throughout this unit.

Year 7 pupils have been engaged in a lot of running , jumping and throwing in preparation for athletics day. We have enjoyed a series of rotations where all classes were taught the fundamentals of long jump, discus, high jump, shot put, vortex, sprints, relays and hurdles and they have had plenty of practice ready for Friday week 10  athletics day at the Caledonian ground.

All classes have been focusing the last few weeks on their ASPIRE inquiry and the focus is on making a change. You can read more about individual class Aspire's through their class tab. 

Next term we have a creative focus zooming in on the arts - dance and drama with a spotlight on celebration. We have the Royal New Zealand Ballet teaching a ballet workshop with all classes , we have Stu Duval coming in and teaching story telling (check out his work here http://www.studuval.co.nz ) and we have an exciting day planned at Long Beach where the children will rock climb and complete communication team work challenges. The dates for these visits are available on the school calendar.

We hope you all have an excellent two week break and are ready for an action packed Term 4.

As always, thank you for your ongoing support.

Beth Downie and the Year 7 team.