Hero photograph
Photo by Sara Quelch


Sara Quelch —

With Covid-19 we are having to do extra reporting around student absences. Please read on for information regarding this...

If your child is absent please email absences@balmacewen.school.nz with a clear reason for their absence.

Alternatively you can leave a message on our answer phone (466 7251 option 1) again with a clear reason for their absence.

If you do not give a reason for absence we will endeavour to contact you for an explanation. If we are unable to make contact your child will be marked as truant.

If your child needs to leave the school during the day for any reason, please email their classroom teacher and absences@balmacewen.school.nz with the reason for their absence, the time they are leaving and estimated time of return. You will need to collect your child from the school office. Please do not go directly to classrooms or ask your child to meet you outside school.

All students must report to the office before leaving the school grounds and again on their return.

Students are not to go home at lunch time without prior permission.