Hero photograph
Photo by Lisa Dixon


Lisa Dixon —

On Wednesday 27th September the Year 8 students presented their Term three ASPIRE project based learning inquiries to their parents and community.

Throughout Term Three all classes have been working on our Term Three Impact topic, As part of their home learning they were to work on a Trash to Treasure or Photography challenge choosing an aspect of IMPACT to focus on.  It was very impressive to see the work on display for the photo boards and the upcycling projects that the students worked on during this time.  The range of ideas and focus for their photo portfolios reflected ideas from our in class IMPACT focus lessons. 

In class students also worked either individually or in groups on an area they were passionate about to follow up as their in class inquiry or PBL project. The big questions underpinning our work this term were - What Impact do we have on our environment? and how can we/I make a difference?

The students presented their finished work to their parents and community in a celebration of their learning. It was very impressive to see the learning streets alive with conversations and sharing as the students presented their work and the confidence they displayed when articulating their learning.  What was inspiring was the range of topics the students chose to investigate from replanting reserves, beach cleanups, designing eco homes - both as models and also online using Minecraft, online eco cities,  food banks, animal rights, impact of war, impact of the media through to personal impact research projects.  The way students also presented their work through video, online, models, scratch coding games, slide shows, apps and booklets allowed for creativity, choice and challenge. This learning also reflected our Balmac Super Six skills: organisation and time management,  collaboration, problem solving and aiming high were all evident.  Attached are some links to videos and presentations as a small selection of our students inquiries.

Thank you to all parents who came and celebrated the Term Three ASPIRE and PBL inquires with us. Our students should be proud of their efforts. 

Year 8 Staff

Animal Cruelty

Animal Testing

Superhero Movie

Clean Up Movie