Terry Tarapi — Dec 3, 2023

The Year 8 Staff would like to thank all whanau and friends for your support during the 2023 school year. This has enabled us to provide a varied and rich learning environment.

During 2023 the students have blossomed in all areas. Whether developing teamwork skills, or displaying independence within their work, we would like to congratulate the students on their growth in all aspects of their schooling. The focus on our school values will certainly aid their transition into high school.

This term we have completed a number  of important programmes including the life bus health programme on vaping and looking at the challenges of being a Year 8 student. Our Year 8 touch tournament also concluded last week with the students displaying magical teamwork skills. In preparation for our Year 8 Social we have begun our social dancing unit. Last Friday we had all Year 8s dancing in the hall and it was fantastic to see everyone socialising and having fun. This week all classes are putting the finishing touches to their class lip sync, which will be performed to the school in the last week. It certainly has been a busy and fun end to the year.

It was pleasing this year to see so many students applying themselves in class and getting involved in extracurricular activities. Taking this can-do attitude forward will see your child make the most of the high school years. We would like to wish both your child and family all the best for 2024.

Enjoy time together over the festive season.

The Year 8 Team