Year 7 term two news

Beth Downie —

It has been a great start to Term 2 for the Year 7 team.

All classes are well settled into reading and maths groups, teaching writing - either persuasive writing or explanation writing and we have been enjoying teaching large ball skills in the Autumn sun.

The focus this term is on Discovery and the magic of science. There have been lots of science experiments and STEAM activities happening in all classes - some have been building catapults, some have been working with chemical reactions, there has been classes using motors and making ‘scribble bots’ and there has been circuits made using copper tape and LED lights. Needless to say, all children are enjoying the hands on experimental nature of science and all the while their ideas of what Science is, have been challenged. If you think you can help out and offer any experiences to our learners - please get in touch with your child’s class teacher, we would love to have you at Balmac as part of our learning community.

We are excited for our whole school programme of ‘Full Steam Ahead’ to begin on Friday. This links directly to our Term 2 topic. Be sure to ask your child what they thought of their first session. Again, if you can help in anyway, please get in touch.

We are thrilled with the improvements that are being made during May Mega Maths Month. Your child should be working on their basic facts every evening in order for their improvements to be sustainable and lasting. There is a plethora of websites available to help with this as well as your trusty deck of cards which can also be useful. Please also don’t forget about logging into mathletics too.

A large number of our students are participating in Winter sports codes and this is very pleasing to see. Our pupils love representing our school and working towards earning a badge for their jersey. We know that they will display the school values on and off the court/field and we look forward to watching them compete throughout Term 2.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if we can be of any assistance at all. As always, thank you for your support.

Beth Downie and the Year 7 team