Writing Extension

Sara Quelch —

Writing extension is a group for students that enjoy writing or want to improve their skills. We meet from 8:30 - 9:20 every Wednesday morning. ........ Read on.....

Writing extension is a group for students that enjoy writing or want to improve their skills. We meet from 8:30 - 9:20 every Wednesday morning. 

Throughout this year, we have worked on lots of different skills to enhance our writing, such as developing our characters, using descriptive and purposeful language, as well as lots of different styles of writing, and poetry. We have also entered some competitions which I had fun doing and learnt heaps along the way. 

As well as that, we have also had the opportunity to get some tips from some authors. This is something that I found very helpful. At the Dunedin Writers, Readers Festival, we got lots of writing advice from John Boyne and Markus Zusak. We also had Fifi Colston come to Balmacewen to talk to us. 

Writing extension has been the perfect chance for me to explore and develop my writing skills. Miss Lovell has done a great job this year at teaching us.

Bethany Elder