Hero video
Talk with people who help you see the world differently.
Video by School Kit

Room 6 has been part of a nation wide writing programme

Beth Downie —

It's been awesome to be a part of this amazing experience!

Room 6 has been part of the Get New Zealand writing programme.

We wrote poems about ourselves based on the style of Ian Sharpe - full of metaphors and called I am.

We then wrote our poems onto postcards and these individual postcards make up a quote when placed all together,

We also collected a whole lot of info about our Balmac community such as - the best thing about our school, our classroom skills, the best thing about where we live and the things that make us smile. With this information, we exchanged it all with a class from Tauranga Intermediate - we received a whole lot of information from them about their school, community and their environment.  We also received their postcards, it was so great to be part of such an exciting initiative.

I AM : Some of our favourites from R6

Tim is a tangled mop of brown strands of new string

Tim is a few well picked objects in a box

Tim is a balloon constantly inflating and deflating

Tim is a white flag blowing in the wind

Tim  is excerpt from a book hand picked from the shelves

Tim  is a sparrow in the winds of change


 Hannah hair is a blond jungle, twining together

Hannah  has a smile that lights up the room

Hannah eyes are the sparkling sea

Hannah is bubbly like soda

Hannah is a loud speaker and a never ending stream of words

Hannah  is an adventure always looking for a challenge