Angela Burden — Apr 12, 2022

Keep Calm and Sew On has become a bit of a motto for our Fabrics room this term. Well done to all of our Year 8 students who have completed an outcome that they are proud of. He tino pai tō mahi!

We are mighty impressed with the high quality of the aprons that are heading home this week. Students have used their machine to create a double sided apron. The iron and tape measure were also vital tools that enhanced the overall quality. 

All students developed their knowledge of the screen printing process and many chose to print on one side of their apron. Some students provided cotton clothing to print on. This unit is set up to give all students the opportunity to be independent in the classroom. We are fortunate to have very clear instructions and teacher demonstrations that support the students through each step. Working collaboratively is also an important part of this process as they need a learning partner to be able to print and help minimise mistakes.

It was exciting to see some design variations in the aprons. A particular favourite was the use of second hand towelling. Some recognised that when baking or cooking they often needed to wipe their hands.  A few  students came up with a towelling addition like a pocket or a hand towel that velcro on and off to be washed. Genius!

Enjoy your holiday. 

Ms Burden