Hero photograph
Photo by Andrew Hunter

Well done, you've made it to the end of Term 2!

Andrew Hunter —

It's time to draw a breath and reflect on what has been a very busy and successful term.

Thank you to everybody for making Term 2 such an enjoyable and productive term. Thank you to our students for embracing every challenge put to them. There's never a dull moment working with young people and the special moments both in triumph and disaster make for exciting times.  I have really enjoyed reading the student evaluations on mid year reports. They are honest, optimistic, often humourous and humble. It does amaze me that their comments are so reflective and insightful. A real glimpse into your child's unique view of themselves and of development as a young person.

There have always been challenges for young people as they grow through adolescence. The challenges of making and keeping friends has always been an issue for young people. Add social media to the complexities of growing up and our children now feel compelled to reply, like, dislike, comment and act, in order to socially conform.  It certainly adds another layer to life as a young person. A layer that they need support from parents and others to navigate.

I encourage you to continue to be part of your child's online life. Know what your child's social media presence is and talk to them about online etiquette and behaviour. Just as you would want to know where your child is going if they walked out the door, so too, you should know "where they are going" online.

The holidays could be an ideal time to put device's away for awhile.  If you don't already, think about putting a time limit on your child's online time. How about going "old school", get outside, make something, be active, play with friends!

Thanks to our always hardworking staff for their excellent efforts over the term. Your commitment and passion for our school is greatly appreciated. My thanks also go to departing Board member Nigel Rickerby. Nigel has given tremendous service to our school for the last 5 years. Nigel has held the Finance portfolio and has contributed to many of the impressive developments you see in our school today.  He is replaced by Andrew Dawson. Andrew brings a wealth of experience as an accountant, to our Board.

All the best for a safe and happy break. I look forward to seeing everyone back refreshed and ready for Term 3.

Ng mihi nui

Andrew Hunter