Hero photograph
Photo by Kate Elliott

First Marimba Session!

Kate Elliott —

Today, Room 23 had their first marimba session with Mrs Mepham.

First, we did a couple of exercises to get used to the marimba. We tried playing different notes and playing it in different ways. This was my first time playing the Marimba, so it was was really fun to learn about it and see how it sounds.

Then we played some songs. We were given notes and we had to listen carefully and copy them. We played the notes really well but we struggled a bit at the beginning with keeping in time, but soon, Room 23 got the hang of it.

Next, we were separated into groups. Some of us were base, and the rest of us played the melody. Once we mastered the song we added another melody, and all of them were layered. Soon, we were all playing our parts and all together it sounded amazing! This was my favourite part of the session.

We did one particular activity where we had to spell the last word from the sentence. I had never done this activity before, so it was a bit challenging at the beginning for me, but I think I got better with more practice.

Room 23 had so much fun during our marimba session today, thanks to Mrs Mepham. I’m sure Room 23 are looking forward to the next three sessions!