Andrew Hunter — Jun 7, 2018

The weather may be cooling down but that hasn't slowed the pace and energy of learning at Balmacewen.

Tena koutou katoa

There are many highlights to celebrate both in and out of the classroom.

Our Year 8 classes are having a great time at Berwick Camp. The programme at Berwick is challenging, fun and extends students both physically and mentally. The opportunity to problem solve in real life situations provides a valuable learning experience. Teamwork and communication are tested across the week as students learn to live and learn together. A big thank you to those parents and caregivers who have supported our camps. We couldn't do it without you!

It is great to see such high participation in our winter sports teams. Now that competitions have started please encourage your child to be organised and ready for both practises and game day. The support you give our teams is greatly appreciated. Balmacewen supporters stand out for their positive comments and sideline behaviour, thank you for this. Let's make sure that we continue to model positive sportsmanship to our children.

Teachers are in the process of writing mid-year progress reports. These reports will talk about progress in core subjects of reading, writing and maths. It will also discuss progress and achievement in integrated studies as well as personal and social progress.

With the removal of National Standards reporting, comments made will be more personal and relevant to your child, outlining strengths and also next steps in learning. Early in Term 3 we then invite you to attend parent /teacher interviews where you can meet to discuss the report and set goals through to the end of the year.

As always, please contact me if I can help in any way.

Kind Regards

Andrew Hunter