Hero photograph
Photo by Terry Tarapi

Year 8 News

Terry Tarapi —

A very warm welcome to our Year 8 Whanau and friends.

Kia ora families and friends

We have had an epic start to the term. All teachers have commented on how magnificently the Year 8 students have engaged in their learning. Alongside this accomplishment a special congratulations to all students for their leadership in learning our school haka. It was great to see each house perform the haka, The haka will be dynamic when the whole school gets to perform it together.

Our theme this term is Kaitiakitanga. This unit focuses around protection of our environment and investigating sustainable practices. We have completed a number of ignitor activities including…

  • Having the Portobello Aquarium Educators come in with the virtual reality goggles was a great way to navigate our coastal underwater sea habitat. The students enjoyed learning about the positive impacts communities are making to ensure our sea life is healthy.

  • Our trip to the picture theatre to see the Movie 2040. The students were very interactive with the positive messaging of the documentary. This message was that we currently have the technology to fight climate change and that as individuals we can make a difference.

The students are looking forward to sharing their infographics and PBL investigation with you.

Next week we are thrilled to have Rory from Attitude NZ come in and talk to the students about technology, social media and bullying. Attitude NZ have expert presenters that present information in an extremely engaging manner. This is always a very pertinent topic for intermediate aged children. Rory will give out a number of tips on how to safely navigate being online. These will include…

  • Being a digital citizen

  • Having a recharging hub in the lounge area where family devices are stored at night. This allows your child to have an uninterrupted night's sleep.

Thank you to all family and friends for your support in making sure your children are organised and ready for learning.

Nga Mihi

Year 8 Teachers