Hero photograph
Photo by Deb Tasi-Cordtz

Performing Arts off to a great start at Balmacewen!!!!

Deb Tasi-Cordtz —

Choir, orchestra, musical instruments and dance groups are well underway already. Our music and performing arts programme is well attended and students are enjoying taking up something new and challenging.

Each Thursday the PAC (Performing Arts Centre) is a buzz with Full School Choir, Girls Choir and Boys Choir all into the swing of things.  Each class also gets to attend a weekly school singing session on a Thursday.

Tuesday sees the Balmacewen School Orchestra in action.  Orchestra is going from strength to strength this year with a very large group of committed and talented instrumentalists practising every Tuesday morning. We have been working hard on a variety of pieces and styles and are just starting to work on a latin piece that will feature our very large and vibrant percussion section. New members are still welcome to join if they have been playing for over 2 terms and have a basic understanding of note reading. We are looking forward to performance and workshop opportunites in the coming term.

School music lessons have started well with over 200 lessons being taught each week. With the busy nature of school life the occasional clash of classroom activity students are coping well.   While it is not always possible to reschedule lessons, with enough notice instrument tutors try their hardest to accommodate everyone as best they can, especially if the clash is ongoing.

On Tuesday throughout the year each class will have 4 lessons each of both marimba and ukulele.  We are fortunate to have specliast teachers come in and take these sessions weekly.

I am looking forward to a number of our groups performing around Dunedin at various events throughout the year - watch this space!!!!