Hero photograph
Photo by Terry Tarapi

Year 8 Happenings

Terry Tarapi —

Term 3 is a personal impact extravaganza. Developing an awareness of how we impact on ourselves, others and the environment is a major focus.

Kiaora families and friends

The start of the time was exceedingly busy with interviews, high school visits and our very own Balmacewen Open Night. Time is certainly flying by and it is incredible to think that we are over half way through the year.

This term we have had a number of saturation activities to fully immerse the students into our Impact unit. These include…

- The Ecological Impact Challenge. This is where the students have worked out their ecological footprint and then identified ways in which they can reduce it. Making students aware of their behaviours and identifying that every action matters has been a fabulous outcome of this activity.

- The Personal Impact focus activity. This is where the students have selected a 4 session programme which focuses on a specific theme. These include nutrition / fitness / eco-homes / packaging and health and wellbeing. With 2 teachers and 50 students collaborating it promises to be an exciting investigation.

- The Trash to Treasure Activity. The students have been brainstorming ways in which materials that are no longer required can be reused. This promises to be a creative brain teaser and we are all looking forward to the projects.

- An Art Gallery visit with John Neumegen. This activity is always a highlight as John makes connections between Impact, the artist and their work

All classes are looking forward to sharing their learning with you.

Kind Regards

Year 8 Staff