Angela Burden — Jul 2, 2020

Did you know ...?

1. A single pair of jeans needs 9.500 litres of water to be produced. 

2. Fashion today is the second most impactful industry worldwide in terms of consumption and pollution of our waters (approx. 1 trillion gallons). 

3. Each year, Dunedin sends 4 THOUSAND TONNES of textile waste to the Green Island landfill!

Here at Balmacewen Intermediate, we would like to highlight these issues around Textile Waste. In Term 3 some of our Year 8 students will be repurposing unwanted denim into new, creative items that meet a need and will stay out of our landfills for a long time to come!

If you have any unwanted denim - perhaps some ripped jeans that you no longer wear - we would love to use them for our PBL unit. 

Denim can be sent into our Fabrics room. Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any further questions.