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Photo by Room 10

May Mega Maths Month

Room 10 —

We have a major focus on improving our knowledge and speed of our basic facts.

For this term we are focused on mega maths month when every week we are tested on our times tables  trying to get a higher score than last week. On the day of the test we felt the pressure of trying to answer 100 questions in time of 3 minutes. Some people are improving each week. Our first week average was 44. We have improved to 56 and our aim is 65. So we are getting there. Hopefully we reach higher than our goal. 

We are practicing as much as we can and having fun while doing our maths. Our teachers have introduced us to some apps and games to help us with our basic facts. Our favourite game we got introduced to was called maths ninja. The aim of the game is to beat all the ninjas in a times tables comp. Overall we have not finished yet and we still have 2 weeks to beat our goal. Lets try hard Room 10!

By Darcie, Jorden, Lily