Sara Quelch — Sep 16, 2021

The hockey season is finished for another year. Thank you to all players, coaches, managers, parents, caregivers and families for their support.

We had 5 hockey teams entered in the Dunedin Year 7 & 8 competition this year, and we managed to get all but two games played. Unfortunately due to COVID level changes we didn't get to play our full field games as part of the sports exchange with Columba College and John McGlashan.

I would like to thank all of our coaches and managers for their support and commitment to helping our teams and coaches and for their encouragement at the games on Friday afternoons.

It was excellent to see the improvement that all players made over the season. I look forward to seeing our year 7 players back again for the 2022 season and I wish our year 8 players all the best for their future hockey at high school.