Message from Tumuaki (Principal) - Mrs Brown
Friday 24 March 2023
Kia ora koutou BSDA school community
We are at the end of Week 8 with only 2 weeks remaining before we break for school holidays. Since our last Panui we have had lots happening at the school which are keeping our ākonga engaged with our learning programmes. Today was "Little Heart Day", we all wore Red and donated a gold coin. This is to help fundraise for Heart Kids NZ so they can continue to provide vital support services to heart kids and their families. We raised $122.10. Thank you for supporting this cause.
Recap over the last few weeks since the last Panui:
Week 5 - 27/2 - 3/3
We had our first week of worship for 2023. It was a great week to pause every morning as a whole school and fellowship. We learnt an awesome new song from Pr Ama called 'In you alone' and this was also our theme for the week. On Wednesday of this week we took the Tuakana classes to the 1 day GRIP leadership conference over in the Northshore, it was an awesome, well-organised event and the senior ākonga got to participate in the interactive activities throughout the day.
Week 6 - 6/3 - 10/3
This week our Tuakana classes went on another trip to the ASB Polyfest held at the Manukau Sports Bowl, they spent the day visiting the various stages to see different performances from Pacific cultures, there were other pop-up displays that had lots of interactive activities that our ākonga enjoyed participating in and not forgetting tasting some yummy food!
Week 7 - 13/3 - 17/3
We held our annual Athletics Day on this week and it was special as we combined with our sister school Waitakere SDA school. It was a fun day filled with running, laughing, eating, singing and some dancing. We plan to combine with Waitakere SDA school every year for Athletics day from now on.
Week 8 - 20/3 - 24/3
This week we held our Student Learning Conferences on Wednesday and Thursday. Thank you to our whanau (families) for supporting our ākonga (students) by meeting with the Kaiako (teachers) and discussing the student learning.
I was also away for part of this week meeting with all the other SDA Principals around New Zealand for our annual consultation held in Waikato. Here is a photo of some of the other SDA Tumuaki (Principals) around New Zealand. You may recognise a few faces.
Here is the updated school calendar for the remaining weeks of the term. If you have any questions/queries feel free to contact our school office during school hours on (09) 638 7903 or via email
To stay up-to-date with our school, regularly visit our school website and LIKE our school Facebook page @BSDAschool
Ngā mihi
Mrs Mary Brown
Tumuaki (Principal)