Mrs Glasgow — Nov 4, 2021

Our awesome Room 1 students and whānau have begun this term by focusing on working together to help support our tamariki with their learning. We have an amazing team!

We have been learning all about positional words! We have been discovering that there are so may positional words that we can use in our speech as well as in our writing. Our students have some very cute toys to play with at home!

Image by: Teangi Glasgow

God has made each of us unique and we have been learning that we can use adjectives (describing words) to describe what we are like! 

Image by: Teangi Glasgow

This week our learning focus has been writing. The students have been learning how to spell words and write simple sentences using their knowledge of letter sounds. They have also been learning how to stretch their sentences to make their writing more interesting for the reader.

Image by: Teangi Glasgow

God has blessed us all with good kai (food) to eat, that help to keep us healthy and strong! He has also blessed us with beautiful people we can share it with!

Image by: Teangi Glasgow

We're looking forward to another week of learning, together!

Blessings for a lovely weekend,

Mrs Glasgow