Hero photograph
Photo by Julie Johnston

Board Kōrero October 2023

Bayfield High School —

Kia ora koutou katoa. As a Board we are pleased to be able to bring you an update of recent happenings around Bayfield.

Board elections

Earlier this month nominations closed for the Board of Trustee elections, and with two nominations received for the two vacant parent representative roles, an election was not required. We are pleased to welcome Andrew Barton to the Board – Andrew joins Jane Chrystal who was restanding for election. A big thank you to two of our valued members who are departing the Board – to Karen Reader for all of her work over the last year, and Amie Curtis, our mana whenua representative, whose contributions have enriched our Board and whānau hui for the past 4 years. We will miss you both! Congratulations to Andrew Lee (Year 11) who was re-elected as the student representative in September.

Upcoming Ōtākou marae hui

As a Board, we are looking forward to joining our staff and whānau hui at the Ōtākou marae in a few weeks time. Here we plan to discuss our Cultural Narrative and the curriculum, and start some work around the School’s vision and values – with more to come on that next year.

International team

We recently welcomed Suzette Hunter to our international team. Suzette has taken over the homestay co-ordinator position from Alishea Dench and joins Liz Gold, our international director. We are always looking for homestays, so if you are interested in hosting an international student, please do get in touch with Suzette or Liz.

End of year celebrations

We hope you can join us to celebrate the achievements our tauira at a number of upcoming events. As you are reading this, we will have already have held our Sports and Cultural Prizegiving, with the Senior Academic Prizegiving (Thursday 2 November) and Junior Academic Prizegiving (Thursday 7 December) still to come. With our senior students finishing next week in order to prepare for their upcoming NCEA exams, we wish them all the best. Also, a big thank you to all of our kaiako for all their ongoing work and dedication to ensure the best possible education and care of our tauira.

We welcome any comments or feedback, so please get in touch.

Kā mihi,

Steph Woodley, Presiding Member, Board of Trustees

Email: BOT@bayfield-high.school.nz