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Friday RISE Awards 22nd March 2024

Bayfield High School —

Who has been nominated for an award this week?

As part of our Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) project, all teachers are asked to nominate senior students for a Friday RISE award each week.  These awards are made to students who have been working particularly well and displaying the school values both in and out of the classroom.  Students are presented with a greet School Spirit Badge to wear on their blazer once they have received eight Friday RISE nominations from teachers, a blue School Spirit Badge for sixteen nominations, and a gold badge for 24 nominations.  The nominations accrue from one year to the next.  Our RISE values are:  

Respect – care and consideration for yourself, others and the environment
Integrity – doing the right thing
Service – contributing to our school and community
Excellence – doing the best you can

Congratulations to this week's recipients who have been nominated for an award:  George Abbott, Finn Aitken, Alice Anderson, Tayla Ashton, Poppy Braithwaite, Nina Burns, Emily Cobby, Justin Corry, Aria Creed, Felix Culling, Taya Fairley-Smith, Anika Franklyn, Emily Franklyn, Grace Gemmell, Isaac Hamilton, Hazel Hockey, Pippa Hollingsworth, Hana Ishinabe, Eleanor Jenks, Jeremy Kidoo, Ashley King, Ken Kongsompong, Ryo Konno, Helen Li, Hao Luo, Georgie McEwan, Tamao Nagase, Fay O'Neill, Joshua Pearce, Matthew Pearce, Gemma Pickering, Rangam Rathod, Ciara Renton, Luka Reusch, Kaitlin Rodger, Isabella Ross, Gain Sakolchai, Lucian Sheehan, Alex Smith, Spinel Smith, Connie Su, Nick Taylor, Freja Thatcher, Dan Thompson-Knapp, Jack Van Baalen, Joseph van Heezik, Archie Vorgers, Anton West, Carlin Whelan, Emma Whiles-Humphreys, Yuta Wibowo, Kate Woodley, Seal Yuan.