Bayfield International student at Otago University

Why You Should Choose Bayfield

We are a community centered co-educational school and provide our students with a wide variety of academic, sporting and cultural opportunities.

Here are some great reasons to choose Bayfield:

Our reputation

Bayfield High School was established in 1961 and has earned a reputation for academic excellence. We provide a friendly, supportive environment where students are encouraged to reach their full potential. We have special strengths in Outdoor Education, Music, Performing Arts, Visual Arts and Textiles, along with IT. We are one of the top schools in Otago with our students gaining grades well above the average in National Examinations.

Bayfield International student at Otago University

Academic programme

The school offers a wide ranging academic programme. We place emphasis on preparing students well for tertiary study. Subjects include: English, Mathematics with Calculus, Mathematics with Statistics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History, Classical Studies, Economics, Accounting, Workshop Technology, Graphics and Design, Computing, Physical Education, Art History, Music, Art Printmaking, Practical Art, Art Photography, German, French, Chinese, Home Economics, ESOL.

Students in class — Image by: Liz Gold

Wide variety of sporting and cultural opportunities

An extensive range of academic, cultural and sporting programmes are offered. These include sports such as rugby, soccer, netball, softball, tennis, basketball, fencing, orienteering, canoeing, sailing, swimming, skiing, canoe polo, underwater hockey, athletics, cross country, cricket, curling, hockey, golf, badminton, triathlon, volleyball. We also have a wide ranging outdoor recreation programme including tramping, abseiling, canoeing, to name a few. Our Music Department produces an annual show and provides individual musical tuition, choir, orchestra, and a jazz band.

Jazz festival

Specialist Outdoor Education programme for Year 12 

Our Year 12 Outdoor Education programme is the best provided in Dunedin and we are passionate about spending time outdoors. The school curriculum subject includes:

  • skiing
  • rock climbing
  • tramping
  • yachting
  • mountain biking
  • camping

We take great care of our international students, who come from around the world to join the Bayfield community.

We have a tradition of students coming from a wide variety of countries. These countries include: Malaysia, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, France, Brazil, Germany, Italy, Vietnam, USA, Switzerland, China and Thailand. Students are welcomed from any country. We contact parents and agents to arrange a mutually agreeable contract on what each student is expected to achieve while at school. Students are met at Dunedin Airport and we transport them to their accommodation. 

Student welfare

We are recognised for providing outstanding quality care for our International Students. The latest report from the NZ Government Education Review Office stated; "Students receive high quality care and students value the care and attention school personnel provide in responding to their needs.” We also offer help in arranging student finances, visas and medical insurance and support for students wanting to go on to tertiary institutions. We provide regular updates on each student's progress to parents.