Belfast School — Feb 26, 2019

Children with learning difficulties at Belfast School are identified early and supported with their learning.

Children that require support are identified via a 3 stage referral system.

An action plan such as a Collaborative Action Plan (CAP) or Individual Education Plan (IEP) is provided for children who are on Stage 2 or 3. In some cases a classroom adaptation form is used to highlight the changes and support the teacher will make.

Some of the specific programmes that we provide at Belfast School include Paired Writing, Multi-Lit, Talk to Learn, FastForward, Rainbow Reading and Phonological Awareness. Programmes are reviewed at the end of each term and progress is analysed to ensure effectiveness.

Parents are informed if children are on the Special Needs Register and the type of support they are receiving.

As well as learning needs we also monitor pastoral care needs at Belfast School. A team of professionals (including the Public Health Nurse, Resource Teacher for Learning and Behaviour, Field Worker, Social Worker, Special Needs Teacher and Deputy Principal) meet twice a term to discuss, monitor and provide support for families that are struggling.