by Mark Lorenzen

Gifted & Talented

At Belfast School we provide and maintain an environment that enables Gifted and Talented Learners to grow intellectually, emotionally and socially.

This environment enriches and extends the educational opportunities for Gifted and Talented Learners and provides a learning climate that challenges and supports children to realise and reach their full potential.

Children are identified using a multi-faceted approach and often have personalised Individual Educational Plans (IEP’s) in place. Children are placed on a register where their progress and extension is tracked throughout their primary education at Belfast.

Belfast School has a co-ordinator who oversees the running of programmes and the well-being of the children. The children meet regularly as a group and we cluster like-minded children together in classrooms. Children enjoy the social contact with each other and external projects they have undertaken have given them a platform to develop and grow their skills.

As well as having in-class extension and enrichment, Belfast School provides many opportunities and challenges outside of the classroom environment. These include the areas of Mathematics, English, Science, Visual Arts and Physical Education.