Bethlehem Kid Awards - Week 10
Bethlehem Kid Qualities - To develop learners who reflect our school values by being respectful, responsible and resilient.
Susannah Eades (Room 2) Responsible
This award is for all the hard work and effort you always put into your work Susannah. You are such an awesome student and a great team member in Room 2. You are doing a great job and making wonderful progress. Well done!!
Ashtyn Rodgers (Room 3) Responsible
During the Sapphire Springs trip you followed instructions, were responsible and had excellent manners.
Bridie McChesney (Room 4) Resilient
Bridie, you have shown great resilience over the past week. Your maturity and positive attitude towards next year is commendable and your support helping others through the disappointment of not receiving an official role next year was greatly appreciated. Kia kaha.
Casey Jackson (Room 5) Responsible
Casey, you have had another great year of learning in the middle school. You have pushed through challenges and made such pleasing progress in so many areas. Keep giving your best.
Kdynce McVeigh (Room 6) Responsible
Kdynce, you are making very positive choices. I am extremely proud of you. Keep this up in Year 5 next year.
Ezra Cox (Room 7) Respectful
Ezra, you have had a great year. You have shown respect and tried your best all year. Keep it up and I wish you all the best next year.
Elena Thompson (Room 8) Resilient
Elena, well done for participating in our class discussions and trying your best learning new activities. Keep up your positive attitude.
Roux Lewis (Room 9) Respectful, Responsible
Roux, you are an amazing Bethlehem Kid. You have worked so hard this year and made pleasing progress.
Remy Moody (Room 9) Respectful, Responsible
Remy, you are such a lovely Bethlehem Kid. You have grown in confidence this year and have made great progress.
Iwin Jijeesh (Room 9) Respectful, Responsible
Iwin, you show great Bethlehem Kid values everyday. You are a kind and caring friend. You have made great progress through your hard work.
Molly Gallagher (Room 11) Respectful
Molly, your smile lights up every room that you walk into. You are helpful, caring, kind and you are always there for your friends. I have loved having you in Room 11, all the very best for next year!
Lucia Meredith (Room 12) Responsible
Lucia, you sprinkle kindness everywhere you go and you put 100% effort into everything you do. I have loved having you in Room 12. Keep shining next year.
Eva Pollier (Room 13) Responsible
Eva, I am proud of the sound learning you have been doing in our phonics lessons. You listen carefully and always try your best to hear each sound and show these on your fingers. Ka pai, for all your great learning!
Michaela Matthee (Room 14) Responsible
Michaela, you always do such a great job of your work, and today you were voted the most deserving for our final certificate by the whole class.
Nathan Fourie (Room 15) Responsible
Nathan, you have been putting so much effort into your learning. You remember to take your time and make sure you do everything to your best ability. Keep it up!
Stella Brown (Room 16) Responsible
Stella, you have grown into a great role model this year, I have seen how caring you are with your friends and classmates. You can be trusted to be responsible and you always show integrity. Ka pai Stella, keep up the great job!
Kiara Moore (Akomanga 17) Whakaute
Ko tātou te awa, ko te awa tātou
He akonga tino pai rawa koe Kiara. Ka tae e koe ki te whai ngā tohutohu o te akomanga me te kura hōki. Ka rawe e hine!
Tao Morris (Akomanga 18)Whakaute / Ngākau Mahaki
He toki koe ki te tautoko i ō hoa a-akomanga. Mauri ora e tama.
Jahtiva-Lantay Himiona (Akomanga 19) Ngākau Mahaki
Ko tātou te awa, ko te awa tātou
He nui te aroha tā Jahtiva ki ngā teina o akomanga 19. Kei reira ia e āwhina i a rātou ahakoa te aha.
He ringa āwhina, he ngākau mahaki. Ka mau te wehi, e hine.
James Minnee (Room 22) Respectful and Responsible
James, thank you for being such a helpful, kind and enthusiastic member of Room 22.
Sophie Lene (Room 23) Respectful and Responsible
It is awesome to see your confidence amongst your peers has increased in leaps and bounds this year. Kia Kaha,Sophie.
Tui Miller (Principal's Award) Respectful, Responsible, Resilient
Tui you demonstrate all of our school values in such an exceptional manner every single day at our kura. Thank you for being an outstanding role model. Ka mau te wehi!