Hero photograph
Photo by Margie Jordan

Bethlehem Kid Awards - Week 8

Margie Jordan —

Bethlehem Kid Qualities - To develop learners who reflect our school values by being respectful, responsible and resilient.

Andrew Edwards (Room 2) Responsible, Respectful

Andrew you are such an awesome Bethlehem Kid! You try your best everyday and it is easy to see how invested you are in your learning. You are a wonderful role model for others to follow. Keep up all the fantastic work!

Ataahlia Ngaputa (Room 3) Resilient

For working hard to improve in your maths. The extra effort you are putting in with your learning has helped you progress with your basic facts! Keep it up.

Noah Kempthorne (Room 4) Responsible

Noah, you have consistently worked hard over the year and shown yourself to be a responsible and reliable student. Well done.

Megan O’Donoghue (Room 5) Responsible, Respectful

Megan, you always put 100% into everything you do. You seek advice to improve your work, share your valuable thoughts in discussions and always help others in need. You are such a valued member of Room 5.

Tilly Abbott (Room 6) Responsible, Respectful

Tilly you have been such an amazing Bethlehem Kid. We are going to miss your kind, thoughtful and helpful nature. We wish you all the best at your new school.

James King (Room 7) Responsible

James, you take ownership of your learning and try your best in class all the time. You are a role model to others in the class. Keep up the great work!

Aria Wilson (Room 8) Responsible, Resilient

Aria, well done for exploring uncomfortable situations and showing resilience in those moments. It is great to see you confidently share your ideas and boldly ask for help. Keep it up!

Zarrin Dela Rosa (Room 9) Responsible, Resilient

Zarrin, you have grown so much as a learner this year. You are taking control of your learning, accepting and implementing suggestions to improve. You take pride in your work and present it beautifully.

Alaskah Vandenbosch (Room 11) Responsible, Resilient

Alaskah, I am so proud of how far you have come in your reading. You use your letter sound knowledge to help you work out unknown words and you never give up until you have worked it out. Your determination is something you should be so proud of. Keep up the awesome work!

Aidan Tessendorf (Room 12) Responsible

Aidan, I am so proud of your efforts in Writing. When you are not sure of a word, you sound it out and recall the letter you need to write. You are trying hard to form your letters correctly and you show such determination as you write your stories. Keep up the fantastic work!

Damon Yang (Room 13) Responsible

Damon, it has been great to see how quickly you have settled back to school after your big overseas holiday. Ka pai! We love having you back in our classroom.

Jack Stock (Room 14) Responsible

Jack, you are always so engaged in your learning, especially your maths basic facts knowledge. You have made outstanding progress and encouraged others to do so as well. Tino Pai, Jack

Eden Nicholls (Room 15) Respectful

Eden, it is great to see you take ownership of your actions. Thank you for being a reliable and honest learner. Well done!

Ryan Pita (Room 16) Responsible

Ryan, I am so proud of the way you have stepped up in our classroom. You have worked hard to become a good role model and I have loved watching your confidence grow this year. I am looking forward to watching you become even more of a leader next year.

Kiara Moore (Akomanga 17) Whakaute

Ko tātou te awa, ko te awa ko tātou

He kōtiro tino pai rawa atu ki te whai i ngā nekehanga o te akomanga ia rā, ia rā. Ka mau te wehi Kiara!

Walter Edwards (Akomanga 18) Manaakitanga

Kāore i tua atu i a koe mō te whai whakaaro ki tangata kē atu.

Kurupae Smith (Akomanga 19)

Ko te mana motuhake

Kua eke taumata a Kurupae i roto i āna mahi Tuhituhi me te kōrero i tōna reo rangatira ia rā. Me he tē!

London Lourens (Room 22) Responsible

London, I am proud of all your hard work this year. You have overcome many obstacles and risen to different challenges. Keep doing your best!

Curtis Clark (Room 23) Respectful and Responsible

Thank you, Curtis, for stepping up and showing us your leadership skills. It is great to see. Nga mihi!

Amelia Soakai (Principal's Award) Respectful, Responsible, Resilient

For representing our school with such athletic excellence at the WBoP Athletics Championships.

Ella Jones (Principal's Award) Respectful, Responsible, Resilient

For representing our school with such athletic excellence at the WBoP Athletics Championships.

Summer Tarawa (Principal's Award) Respectful, Responsible, Resilient

For representing our school with such athletic excellence at the WBoP Athletics Championships.

Bella Foiakau (Principal's Award) Respectful, Responsible, Resilient

For representing our school with such athletic excellence at the WBoP Athletics Championships.

Lillian Rennie (Principal's Award) Respectful, Responsible, Resilient

For representing our school with such athletic excellence at the WBoP Athletics Championships.

Eva Brewerton (Principal's Award) Respectful, Responsible, Resilient

For representing our school with such athletic excellence at the WBoP Athletics Championships.

Billie Wright (Principal's Award) Respectful, Responsible, Resilient

For representing our school with such athletic excellence at the WBoP Athletics Championships.

Tui Miller (Principal's Award) Respectful, Responsible, Resilient

For representing our school with such athletic excellence at the WBoP Athletics Championships.

Curtis Clark (Principal's Award) Respectful, Responsible, Resilient

For representing our school with such athletic excellence at the WBoP Athletics Championships.

Ashtyn Rodgers (Principal's Award) Respectful, Responsible, Resilient

For representing our school with such athletic excellence at the WBoP Athletics Championships.

Paige Veal (Principal's Award) Respectful, Responsible, Resilient

For representing our school with such athletic excellence at the WBoP Athletics Championships.

Kobe Leat (Principal's Award) Respectful, Responsible, Resilient

For representing our school with such athletic excellence at the WBoP Athletics Championships.