Hero photograph
Photo by Margie Jordan

Triple P – Positive parenting program Discussion Groups : Researched evidenced based parenting program.

Margie Jordan —

Triple P – positive parenting program offer Discussion Groups – which are short 2hr sessions run by a trained TP practitioner.

 At each session, parents/whanau/caregivers come together to discuss a parenting issue; with the trainer, guiding participants through a series of vignettes and talking about each part. Participants are encouraged to make a plan to deal with the behaviors when they occur and take home a workbook to support them further.

These are FREE sessions, with additional support if required, lite refreshments available, with handouts.

Parents, whanau, caregivers; come along, you can sit and listen, drink coffee/tea, eat cake; and join in where you feel comfortable or not. It is up to you.

For further information please email/txt me back, and of course the website                www.triplep-parenting.net is powerful.