Hero photograph
Photo by Catherine Neidhardt


Catherine Neidhardt —

Trish Purdie-Nicholls has joined our Bethlehem whānau as our new Learning Support Coordinator.

Whaea Trish comes to us from Coromandel Area School where she was Assistant Principal. Trish has experience as a Primary School Principal and Kahui Ako Lead in the Reporoa Area. Throughout her 25 years in Education she has taught every year level from juniors through to Year 11 Science. Trish holds a Bachelor of Education, Diploma of Teaching and Te Ara Reo Māori Level 4.

Whaea Trish's role is to coordinate our Learning Support Programme and our incredible team of Teacher Aides. She works alongside individual students with specialised learning needs. If you have have questions around learning needs, anxiety or social challenges for your child. Please pop by her office by the outdoor seating area under the tree or email her to make an appointment:
