Hero photograph
Photo by Margie Jordan

Carmichael Team News

Margie Jordan —

Aqua Survival Skills

The Carmichael Team learnt how to survive in the ocean, rivers, and lakes. It was really exciting learning the different ways to keep ourselves warm and safe.

We learnt 4 important rules...

1. Tie your hair up

2. If in doubt, stay out

3. Tell someone where you are going

4. Never swim alone

We learnt HELP: Heat Escape Lessening Position

This was a way to keep the heat in our body and prevent us from getting hypothermia. Our heat comes from our head, armpits, and groin. We learnt to keep our arms close to our body, and crossed over our chest, our head above the water, and our legs up to our body.

We also learnt to HUDDLE. This is like a heat cuddle! You can keep someone warm in a middle of a circle. We all linked arms around each others bodies and made a circle.

Another important thing we learnt was if we get into trouble in the water we have one minute to calm our breathing, ten minutes to make meaningful movement, and one hour before hypothermia sets in.