Hero photograph


Sandra Kennedy —

Bishopdale School is a PB4L school (Positive Behaviour For Learning). We talk about our expectations by talking about CARE.

Our PB4L goal is to "improve whanaungatanga (relationships) so that we can all model our CARE values for all akonga."

CARING - KUMANU (to tend carefully, foster, attend to, care for, cherish)

ACHIEVEMENT - TUTUKI (reach the farthest limit)

RESPONSIBILITY - HAEPAPA (to be responsible, reliable)

ENTHUSIASM - HAUORAORA (be lively, animated, enthusiastic, spirited.)

How do we use CARE cards?

At Bishopdale we give out CARE cards when students display these expected behaviours. This happens frequently. 

Students will get CARE cards for doing normal things as well as for making a special effort. Students will talk to you about getting CARE cards for being at school on time, wearing uniform, being organised, doing school work, reading books, saying hello, looking after their equipment, being positive and so on!


Classes have a daily draw using the care cards awarded that day. Prizes vary from class to class and day to day.

Every 20 CARE cards choose a prize from the Principal's Prize Box. 

40 CARE cards attend a school pizza party.

80 CARE cards attend the 2nd school pizza party.

CARE lessons 

Each week classes introduce the CARE focus through a class lesson about what CARE might look, sound and feel like. 

Each Fortnight

Certificates are awarded in assembly for students who have been noticed demonstrating the CARE focus.