Hero photograph
Photo by Bluestone School

Swimming programme gives confidence

Bluestone School —

Our junior students have been having swimming lessons at C-Bay and are quickly gaining in confidence.

We have been very grateful to the large number of parents who have shown up to support our swimming programme at C-Bay. Getting so many children ready for their swim and then dressed again afterwards is a huge task but thanks to great support this has been achieved successfully and efficiently.  Julie has done a wonderful job of organising buses to and from school and sorting the children into instruction groups. The C-Bay instructors have achieved great results. In just a few sessions the progress in student confidence and ability has been very obvious. Many children have gone from not wanting to put their heads under the water to having the confidence to dive under, float and swim. Our competent young swimmers have developed their skills and many have learned how a life jacket or even an upturned bucket can help them when they are in deep water.

The smiles on the faces of the children says it all!